Greenhouse Project - Jacksonville School for Autism (JSA)
Launch date: Summer 2022
Size and scope of the project:
This aquaponics system will support and enhance the Jacksonville School for Autism's existing curriculum, while providing a new, innovative space for hands-on education to take place. We are planning a greenhouse facility of 1,750 square feet, with enclosed propagation space to support new and existing programming.
Education is the focal point of this system. With a wide range of grow techniques that encourage the use of a variety of skills and tools, the facility will promote an environment in which students are able to actively engage with aquaponics processes and components, while experiencing the multitude of benefits that aquaponics provides.
Partners include:
Jacksonville School for Autism, a Jacksonville-based “not-for-profit, private school established in 2005 as a full-service K-12 educational center for students and young adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).”
Produce grown in this system will be provided directly to JSA students and program participants, and will be distributed to local restaurants and community organizations.
For general information about all FreshMinistries aquaponics programs, email Director of Aquaponics Bobby Lee.
More information is available at