Social Service Workers – A Ray of Hope for the Community
March 31, 2022
Feeding the Hungry, and How to Do it Better
May 11, 2022Donating to charities is a great way to improve yourself and your communities. Giving back improves your own sense of gratitude and thankfulness, which improves mental health. However, you should not just donate to any charity without first doing some research. Let’s look at some positive attributes of well-run charity organizations in Jacksonville, FL.
1) Registered charities
When charity organizations in Jacksonville, FL are registered with the government and must report on their activities, this means the organization has taken the time to get set up properly and works in a way that offers full insight into their operations. With many forms and other reports to submit annually, you know they take what they do very seriously, and have a good operating structure.
2) A board of directors
Having a board is another key sign of a great charity. Again, it shows that the organization is set up to run with maximum efficiency while allowing for oversight and input. Board members also offer professionals in the community a chance to share their expertise and knowledge with the charity.
3) Paid positions on staff
A lot can be said about how much of donor’s funds actually make it to the cause, but steer clear of any large charity that is 100% volunteer run. Volunteers are great and very necessary, but volunteer turnover can be very high. In key positions such as strategic operations, accounting or legal advice, having some paid, professionally trained staff is important. This reduces turnover and keeps the organization lean and efficient – and able to use donor money in much better ways for the cause.
Charities are actual businesses and must be run as such. The difference is, they don’t turn a profit and instead put their funds toward helping a cause. When it comes to FreshMinistries, the money we bring in is put back into building local aquaponics farms that feed the community, have little overhead, and create jobs.
4) Transparency
Before donating to a charity, ask yourself: who are they? What do they stand for? What ideals do they represent? How is their online reputation management? How are funds they receive distributed? All this information should be easy to find, both in public records and on their own website. Good charities have nothing to hide.
The importance charity organizations in Jacksonville, FL
Setting up a registered charity takes a lot of work and sustained effort; those that do are extremely committed to their causes and to the donors that enable them to work for the greater good. Fresh Ministries is proud to be among the charity organizations in Jacksonville, FL that maximize every donor dollar thanks to an expertly run organization. Your financial donations empower us to meet our goals of changing the world – together. Contact us to learn more about how you can help with FreshMinistries.